Kantar Consulting is a specialist growth consultancy. With over 1,000 analysts, thought leaders, software developers and expert consultants we help our clients develop and execute brand, marketing, retail, sales and shopper strategies to deliver growth.

Kantar Consulting owns market leading assets including PoweRanking, GrowthFinder, U.S. & Global MONITOR, RetaiI IQ, RichMix, XTEL and Marketing, Insights and Purpose 2020.

We track 1200 retailers globally, have purchase data on over 200 million shoppers and forecast social, cultural and consumer trends across the world.

Brand & Marketing
Our Brand and Marketing practice creates transformational insights, ideas, strategies and structures which help businesses unlock demand for brands. With change occurring at warp speed, our clients need to look beyond traditional sources and methods to drive growth.

Retail, Sales & Shopper
Our Retail, Sales and Shopper practice enables clients to sell more effectively and profitably by turning insights into action and shoppers into buyers. In an ever more complex and competitive environment, we have the strategies, insights and analytics to help you grow your business, backed by our team of experienced consultants and next generation organisational capabilities.