We consider ourselves professional storytellers but the industry we reside in is called advertising. We don't believe advertising works anymore and that building campaigns off of key messages is outdated. We believe that when a person receives over 3,000 messages a day that odds are, they're not paying attention to you.

We believe that marketing is about sharing stories and creating relationships. It's about creating a conversation and arming people with the story about you that resonates with them. As a result, they want to share it with their friends.

So we're an ad agency but we're really not. We have been sharpening our storytelling skills for confident brands since 2002. We are listed in the Boston Business Journal as the 14th-largest ad agency in New England.

Our moral guides everything we do at Small Army. It helps us discover which clients we are interested in forming a relationship with. It helps our clients understand what matters to us. And it definitely guides us when we're hiring fellow storytellers.

When your company knows its moral, it will drive everything you do. Communications. Media placement. Social media conversations. Product development. Recruiting. And things you haven't even thought of yet. You will no longer be guided by strategy statements and key messaging, which often lead to manufactured campaigns instead of authentic conversations. In short, you will find your company's soul.