Trilia Media launched as a separate branded, full-service media agency owned by Hill Holliday in June 2015. Trilia’s integrated structure allows our teams to create meaningful connections that inspire consumers and impact business results for our clients. We drive their success by delivering on a deceptively simple formula: DO MORE. WASTE LESS. At Trilia, we hate waste. It steals money from things that could actually benefit our clients. We uncover media
inefficiencies and reapply spending to media campaigns, executions
channels, and tests that will deliver real business results. We’d rather see
you do more, and waste less. Our point of difference lies in how we’ve operated for the past 47 years. Time and again we have seen that this focus on creative and media integration leads to the development of unique ideas. Ideas that drive social conversation and most importantly brand consideration, preference, and sales. Regardless of whether we are collocated with our creative partners or housed in separate agencies, we are driven to creating the strongest partnership for the development of these unique ideas. We insure price transparency for our all our clients across all media. From the beginning and continuing forward, we made a very conscious decision to tell our clients exactly what fees they are paying for media, especially in the programmatic space. We don’t engage in any pricing schemes that steer revenue to our bottom line. As part of MAGNA GLOBAL (IPG's strategic video investment group), Trilia has best-in-class marketplace intelligence and buying clout. Our in-house programmatic team has automated buying as much as possible and “pulls the levers” across display, video, mobile, search, native, and social channels.