Tajin Case Study Video

Tajin International

Case Study

  • Multicultural
  • Food
  • cpg
  • Hispanic
  • Food and Beverage
  • FMCG
  • Total Market
  • multicultural marketing
  • CPG Snacking
  • Hispanic Marketing

Tajín is quickly becoming one of America’s beloved seasonings. A beloved seasoning in Mexico, the brand is a household staple and long-time friend for over 2/3 of the Hispanic audience. On the other hand, non-Hispanics were still discovering the brand and learning how to use it. New users helped brand sales grow 4% YOY in 2022 despite category declines. But Hispanic sales were beginning to plateau as consumers sought cheaper alternatives during inflationary times. We created this new, cross-cultural campaign with customized strategies and executions for the two distinct targets, and sales have rebounded, exceeding goals by over 25%. Tajin is now back on its way to conquering America.